Big Show Comments On Floyd Mayweather Match, Facing Shaq At Wrestlemania, How He Broke Into Wrestlin

WWE star Big Show was recently interview by the Shanghai Daily while he was doing overseas promotions for the upcoming WWE live event tour in early September. 

Show talked about how he broke into wrestling, career highlights including working with Floyd Mayweather at Wrestlemania, and more. You can read a few excerpts below: 

“I went through a really bad period in my life as a young man in my 20s. I lost my father and my grandfather to cancer … in the same year. For me, it was a very tough year emotionally. I quit school. I did odd jobs, sold cars, ran karaoke shows and answered phones. It was funny at that time because I didn’t know if I’d be any good at wrestling. I didn’t know if I’d be any good at being a superstar. I just thought it was really cool and I’d make a little bit of money out of it.”

“I didn’t realize until after I really got into the business, met all the guys in the locker room, and went up and down the road, that I found something that was going to heal my soul and complete my life and make me understand why I was put on this planet and what I was meant to do.”

“It was important for me. My responsibility was to get that angle off the ground. This was boxer versus wrestler, which is a big deal in America.

Not to take away from the drama of it, but I didn’t care if he broke my nose or not. I wanted to suspend belief and get our fans emotionally invested. I knew that if he broke my nose, people were going to talk about it. A broken nose will heal, and I got my nose broken by one of the greatest fighters who had ever lived. My nose was fine in two weeks. I’m pretty blessed. I don’t have anything to definitely whine or complain about. I’m very thankful.”

“We’ll have one heck of a match and we’ll see what’s up. We’ll give the fans a treat.”
