Find relief in Jesus Christ by aligning hearts and minds with Him

As people align their hearts and minds with Jesus Christ, they find relief — from disappointment, heartache and any challenge, Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson has taught.

She gave five ways to become aligned with Christ:

  • Engage in daily devotion to God, praying and studying scriptures.
  • Repent daily.
  • Serve.
  • Use words that are “virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy” (Articles of Faith 1:13).
  • Listen intently for the manifestations of the Holy Ghost.
  • “All of this invites the Spirit to be present in our lives,” President Johnson wrote on Facebook and Instagram on Aug. 29. “We listen intently for the manifestations of the Holy Ghost. We adjust our thoughts and what occupies our time to make sure we are making constant contact with heaven.”

    Then she asked others to share with her how they stay aligned with the Savior, and many women responded from around the world.

    “Allowing myself to be in tune by consistently reading my scriptures, praying, and listening to the still small voice brings peace,” wrote Debra Sorensen.

    Tracie Taylor wrote that she has to pause and be intentional: “I have to commit that thought process to my habits and actions everyday.”

    Melanie Power responded, “We have a family text that is like being in gospel doctrine class daily. Each share their heartaches, their struggles, their testimony of Him and the joy that comes from living the gospel daily.”

    Donna McQuarrie Thompson said studying “Come, Follow Me” each day and listening for directions and guidance blesses her.

    Jane Windebank-Stinchcombe wrote what helps her be aligned with the Savior “is to pray daily to be an example of Him, to pray daily to be able to share His love and light with all around me and to pray daily to know and do His will.”

    Said Teresa Marasek: “I cherish the fact that I’m worthy of a temple recommend and try each day to remember the covenants that are made there.”

    Others mentioned keeping gratitude journals, reading the Book of Mormon, attending the temple often, listening to general conference talks, serving others and sincere daily repentance.

    Focusing on the Savior for relief

    President Johnson’s first counselor, Sister J. Anette Dennis, recently taught about staying focused on the Savior.

    She said while Peter kept his eyes focused on the Savior during the storm raging around him, he was able to walk on water. But when his attention was turned to the storm raging around him, he began to fear and he began to sink.

    “One of the most important lessons we can take from this story is that when Peter began to sink, he reached out to the Lord for help,” Sister Dennis wrote on Aug. 21 on Facebook and Instagram.

    She explained that Jesus Christ is relief and He can help everyone through their storms.

    “When I have been able to focus more on the Savior in the midst of the storms of life, which come to us all, I have experienced greater peace and less fear,” Sister Dennis said in a follow up post on Sept. 6 on Facebook and Instagram.

    She invited others to share what has helped them to focus on the Savior.

    “I feel the root for me, is prayer,” said Julie Noorda Nicholas. “Prayer places me in a position of humble learning, as He lovingly teaches, sweetly forgives, strengthens my resolve, and boosts my confidence in myself and in others around me.”

    Rudy-Stefanie Littlefield said going to the temple helps her focus on the Savior and remember the power in the covenants she has made with Him.

    Grace Olsen Wuthrich also mentioned going to the temple often and sharing the gospel with others.

    Debbie Dalley McClure said besides prayer and the scriptures, her long drive to the temple is also special, as she can spend alone “in quiet thought of Him.”

    Relief from the Savior through others

    Sister Kristin M. Yee, the second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, recently took part in the Utah YSA Area conference, “Together in Christ.” As she ran the 5K with others in Saratoga Springs, Utah, she was touched by the Spirit.

    “I loved meeting and running with so many incredible disciples of the Savior,” she said.

    With others beside her, she felt motivated to keep going, and the distance didn’t feel as long. Helping others along the way gave each person the motivation to keep going — because they were gathering together in Christ, she said.

    “And just as we lifted and encouraged each other in this 5K run, the Savior often works through others in this mortal run to lift our burdens and give us strength, encouragement, safety, comfort and increased joy,” Sister Yee wrote on Facebook and Instagram on Aug. 18.

    “He gives us relief through those that run beside us.”

    When Sister Yee thinks of relief, she thinks of a partnership — which is made through a covenant relationship with Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. 

    “He desires to be with us in our concerns and our decisions. We need not navigate the challenges, sorrows, insecurities and heartaches of life alone. He will be beside us,” Sister Yee said.
