Were There Any Female Authors In The Bible?

The short, yet somewhat satisfying answer is: maybe. Women like Ruth, Mary Magdalene, and of course Mary, the Mother of Jesus, are some of the most important people in the Bible and remain significant figures today. However, either none of them wrote Biblical texts or, if they did, their work was lost or never akcnowledged in the books that would become the Bible.

There is one female disciple of Jesus whose writings may have made it into the final version of the New Testament. Priscilla and her husband Aquila were among the early church's first missionaries, who worked and traveled with Paul the Apostle to help preach, teach, and lead the early church in Ephesus, according to Faithward.

The Epistle to the Hebrews, which is often called the "fifth gospel," is an important part of the New Testament, yet no one knows who the real author of the book is. Scholars have debated quite a few theories, including that it was authored by Paul the Apostle or by another church leader, a contemporary of Paul's named Apollos. However, more recent scholarship has suggested that Priscilla may have been the book's real author.
