Joan Riverss grandson Cooper

Well what's your type, R1?

by Anonymousreply 2August 7, 2023 3:39 AM

All Joan wanted was a WASPy grandson and she got it.

by Anonymousreply 3August 7, 2023 3:40 AM

Cute because he looks nothing like Joan or Melissa.

by Anonymousreply 5August 7, 2023 3:44 AM

Lol, no he is not, OP. Expensive teeth and nice hair (for the moment) but when people pose for headshots at slightly odd angles, it’s deliberate.

by Anonymousreply 6August 7, 2023 3:46 AM

Shave your face. The facial hair does nothing for you.

by Anonymousreply 9August 7, 2023 3:58 AM

Handsome and casual.

You'd never know he's Joan's grandson.

I like that Melissa lets him be.

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by Anonymousreply 11August 7, 2023 4:17 AM

When I looked at his smiling face it made me sad to think Joan was not around to watch him grow up.

by Anonymousreply 12August 7, 2023 4:19 AM

I’d let him put a couple of inches in.

by Anonymousreply 13August 7, 2023 4:27 AM

Wow! I remember when he was a kid.. on the comedy show. he turned out to be super handsome in adulthood!

by Anonymousreply 14August 7, 2023 4:31 AM

I agree, he's a cutie for sure.

by Anonymousreply 15August 7, 2023 4:39 AM

The Fashion Police would not approve of that unpressed shirt buttoned up to the top without a tie. Open the top button and relax a bit, hun. And while you're at it, get a shave!

by Anonymousreply 17August 7, 2023 4:56 AM

His dad must have been really good-looking to erase his mom's looks like that.

by Anonymousreply 19August 7, 2023 5:06 AM

Edgar Cooper. Such an ugly name for such a handsome young man.

by Anonymousreply 20August 7, 2023 5:07 AM

"Edgar" is Melissa's father's name. Her son's full name is Edgar Cooper Endicott. He goes by "Cooper." Melissa was married to John Endicott

By the way, Melissa is reportedly worth $100 million. Joan made a bundle all those working years.

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by Anonymousreply 21August 7, 2023 5:17 AM

[quote] When I looked at his smiling face it made me sad to think Joan was not around to watch him grow up.

Oh, the humanity!

by Anonymousreply 24August 7, 2023 5:43 AM

R24, I didn't say it made me sad to think Joan was not around to watch him eat three meals a day. Plus dessert. And let's not forget a late night snack.

You know come to think of it that chocolate cake was delicious. I think I'll have another slice.

Oh, and please do have an extra crispy cricket on me, Darfur O. That should fill you up. Mmm, mmm good.

by Anonymousreply 25August 7, 2023 6:02 AM

I remember when Joan and Melissa were on wife swap with cooper and they switched with Bristol palin her sister and Bristol’s kid. It went about as expected. Cooper was smart, kid and helpful and was easy to get along with. Bristol’s kid cussed and was an undisciplined nightmare.

by Anonymousreply 27August 7, 2023 6:32 AM

He is a nice looking young man. I think his grandma would be proud.

by Anonymousreply 28August 7, 2023 6:35 AM

Not as hot as Gary, but still a hot Cooper.

by Anonymousreply 29August 7, 2023 6:37 AM

[quote]"Edgar" is Melissa's father's name. Her son's full name is Edgar Cooper Endicott. He goes by "Cooper." Melissa was married to John Endicott

I know. It's unfortunate that she decided to give the kid that horrendous name.

by Anonymousreply 30August 7, 2023 6:54 AM

John and Melissa. He looks better than she.

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by Anonymousreply 31August 7, 2023 8:44 AM

He'd look better without the facial hair.

by Anonymousreply 32August 7, 2023 9:00 AM

Now Coopah,

If your muther spends all the money I left you, remember...

"There's money in the banana stand."

by Anonymousreply 35August 7, 2023 1:18 PM

Pretty nice picture from when he was in college.

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by Anonymousreply 36August 7, 2023 1:24 PM

He went to Ohio Lesbian? All right!

by Anonymousreply 37August 7, 2023 1:28 PM

It's a shame Melissa has no career to speak of so that she can drag him along.

by Anonymousreply 38August 7, 2023 1:33 PM

[quote] It's a shame Melissa has no career to speak of so that she can drag him along.

Melissa realizes she never has to work another day in her entire life.

I honestly think the only reason she worked in television was because Joan pushed her into it.

But Melissa doesn't have the same drive that Joan had.

Also, she's an only child, so she got her mother's entire estate.

The same can be said of Cooper.

Their lives are just "gravy," as the saying goes.

by Anonymousreply 39August 7, 2023 1:44 PM

Cooper through the years.

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by Anonymousreply 40August 7, 2023 1:48 PM

Here was Joan's career: Take one step, drag Melissa. Take another step, drag Melissa.

Joan knew it was the truth because she would get pissed when people asked her.

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by Anonymousreply 41August 7, 2023 1:54 PM

R11 Again he is deliberately posing with his head angled slightly up.

by Anonymousreply 42August 7, 2023 1:57 PM

I need to watch R41 but Whitfield is so generic, like a Search for the Stars Spokesmodel. Hard to imagine her enraging Rivers.

by Anonymousreply 43August 7, 2023 1:59 PM

Loathed last two decades of Joan Rivers.

Shrew. Harridan. Mean. Unfunny.

by Anonymousreply 44August 7, 2023 1:59 PM

R42, he’s a lax bro, it’s probably a macho affectation rather than a calculated use of angles.

He probably is a giant douche. Lacrosse played are famous for being assholes and beating their girlfriends.

by Anonymousreply 45August 7, 2023 2:00 PM

I’ve heard Melissa interviewed and she seems pretty decent.

by Anonymousreply 46August 7, 2023 2:01 PM

Melissa also got close to $100 million from the wrongful death lawsuits in addition to Joan’s estate.

I don’t think she was actually enraged r43. She was selling a book and this “meltdown/walkout” bought her millions in publicity.

by Anonymousreply 47August 7, 2023 2:02 PM

Yes, he's cute. But, does he have Joan's voice? Eee gads!

by Anonymousreply 48August 7, 2023 2:03 PM

California is literally filled with rich people who don't work. All inherited money. I remember living in Laguna Beach and no one seemed to work. I was middle class at best and lived in a 1.3million dollar house. So ridiculous.

by Anonymousreply 49August 7, 2023 2:07 PM

R41 Well this confirms my belief that Joan would have been cancelled today. People are way too prickly and can’t handle what they perceive to be “meanness.” Meanness has been a part of comedy since we began putting entertainers on pedestals.

I have mentioned this here before but my friend’s 12 and 16 year old children where shocked and upset (!!!) when they heard their great aunt tell their grandmother she had gotten fat. These are 80 year old sisters ribbing each other and the children had never heard someone called “fat” before!

by Anonymousreply 50August 7, 2023 2:08 PM

Could have looked like Grandpa Edgar.

by Anonymousreply 51August 7, 2023 2:08 PM

R47 I did not know that. And that cheapo Melissa couldn’t spring for one full bathroom and closet renovation on Jeff Lewis’s show?

by Anonymousreply 52August 7, 2023 2:10 PM

He's already fast one. That looks like a passion mark on his neck at R36.

by Anonymousreply 53August 7, 2023 2:11 PM

[quote]He probably is a giant douche. Lacrosse played are famous for being assholes and beating their girlfriends.

But, we're not generalizing are we? How unfair would that be?

by Anonymousreply 54August 7, 2023 2:11 PM

[quote]He's already fast one. That looks like a passion mark on his neck at [R36].

More probably an irritation from his lacrosse helmet.

by Anonymousreply 55August 7, 2023 2:12 PM

R53, I’d be more worried about that enormous Adam’s apple/potential goiter he’s got going on.

by Anonymousreply 56August 7, 2023 2:22 PM

Hey's a good looking young man. The people going off on him in this thread are Femcels, not gay men.

by Anonymousreply 57August 7, 2023 2:32 PM

He looks like the word lacrosse

by Anonymousreply 58August 7, 2023 2:36 PM

This was a cute picture. All around.

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by Anonymousreply 59August 7, 2023 2:53 PM

One of the pictures at R40's link is captioned:

“@Cooper.endicott is back! So is his laundry,” Melissa captioned a photo of her son at the airport while visiting home in November 2020."

As if Melissa Rivers is going to be laundering Cooper's skid marked underwear herself.

Does Missy even know how to operate a washing machine?

by Anonymousreply 60August 7, 2023 3:04 PM

He's a good looking, respectable and polite young man. He occasionally appears with his mom on her Instagram account. Melissa seems fairly grounded herself. Coop is a real mensch.

by Anonymousreply 61August 7, 2023 3:12 PM

He seems like a regular kid. Not pretentious. Melissa did a good job. Seems like he and Joan were very close.

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by Anonymousreply 62August 7, 2023 3:22 PM

[quote] As if Melissa Rivers is going to be laundering Cooper's skid marked underwear herself.

I'd launder his sperm soaked sheets for free!

by Anonymousreply 65August 7, 2023 5:34 PM

Margaret Josephs from Real Housewives of New Jersey commented on Cooper:

[quote] Omg I can’t believe , he’s such a grown handsome man 🥹♥️♥️💋👧🏼

Careful, Melissa. She's a cougar!

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by Anonymousreply 66August 7, 2023 5:41 PM

R66 that bitch is after his inheritance.

by Anonymousreply 67August 7, 2023 5:46 PM

[quote]I'd launder his sperm soaked sheets for free!

Me, too. As long as I also got to be his sperm removal device.

by Anonymousreply 68August 7, 2023 5:56 PM

Weak chin. He’s been pussywhipped and adored since he was born by alpha females. He seems like a nice guy. If he were born poor, he’d be just some other redneck.

by Anonymousreply 69August 7, 2023 5:59 PM

He looks just like his mother, but it's interesting how much better that face works on a man than it does on a woman.

by Anonymousreply 70August 7, 2023 6:01 PM

Joan loved the hell out of Cooper. One of the best episodes of their reality show Joan dressed up in Lacrosse goalie equipment and let Cooper and his friends take shots at her.

by Anonymousreply 71August 7, 2023 6:03 PM

[quote]He’s been pussywhipped and adored since he was born by alpha females. He seems like a nice guy.

Nicholas Ray, who directed REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE, was spoiled rotten by his mother and significantly older sisters growing up, and he turned out all right.

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by Anonymousreply 72August 7, 2023 6:19 PM

He reminds me of a younger Jonathan Groff.

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by Anonymousreply 73August 7, 2023 6:22 PM

Melissa also was the one that got Edgar’s money when he died. He set up a nice trust for her and he had some family money.

by Anonymousreply 74August 7, 2023 6:23 PM

[quote]Nicholas Ray, who directed REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE, was spoiled rotten by his mother and significantly older sisters growing up, and he turned out all right.

He was an alcoholic, a junkie, and a broken man for most of his adult life. It's hard to imagine a worse example.

by Anonymousreply 75August 7, 2023 6:24 PM

He is classically handsome—a nice balance of adorable and sexy. Very fuckable. I want to see what he looks like without a shirt on.

by Anonymousreply 76August 7, 2023 6:25 PM

I liked that Melissa named him Edgar. I wish more people did that. Plus the kid's signature will be E. Cooper Endicott, he'll be able to get into the Mortimer Club without any problem. They won't even side eye him.

by Anonymousreply 77August 7, 2023 6:27 PM

r76 it's not a closeup but

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by Anonymousreply 78August 7, 2023 6:28 PM

Edgar is an old fashioned, butt ugly name. Who would look at a baby and think “Edgar?”

by Anonymousreply 80August 7, 2023 6:40 PM

My father was called Edgar - so in effect I had to live with it as well. It sort of suited him though.

by Anonymousreply 81August 7, 2023 6:42 PM

Joan wouldn’t have been cancelled. She would’ve more bold and hysterical, as it should be. God, I miss that lady.

by Anonymousreply 82August 7, 2023 6:46 PM

She died nine years ago - I would have guessed, four.

by Anonymousreply 83August 7, 2023 7:07 PM

He really is cute. But rugby and golf - straight.

by Anonymousreply 84August 7, 2023 7:10 PM

[quote] Edgar is an old fashioned, butt ugly name. Who would look at a baby and think “Edgar?”

It was his grandfather's name, obviously.

I know a baby named after his grandfather - Eugene. Talk about saddling a kid with a bad name....

by Anonymousreply 86August 7, 2023 7:13 PM

What do we know about his father?

Joan spent $3 Million on the wedding and the marriage only lasted 4 years? - why did they break up? - or was this some rare thing Joan didn't kvetch about?

by Anonymousreply 88August 7, 2023 7:15 PM

^ I think Joan got tired of paying John Endicott to stay with Melissa...

by Anonymousreply 89August 7, 2023 7:22 PM

All these pics of Cooper and Melissa and even some with Joan...

But no pics of Cooper with his father?

by Anonymousreply 90August 7, 2023 8:45 PM

[quote] Joan spent $3 Million on the wedding and the marriage only lasted 4 years? - why did they break up? - or was this some rare thing Joan didn't kvetch about?

The wedding wasn't really about the bride and the groom. It was all about Joan, which is why she made it such a ridiculously oversized affair. She even got the New York Gay Men's Chorus to perform the song "Hey big Spender" as a joke on herself, but it was clear what the point was.

I can't see how anyone could have stayed married to Melissa with Joan as a mother-in-law. She was controlling and sucked all the air out of every room. Melissa was always under her thumb.

by Anonymousreply 91August 7, 2023 9:03 PM

I would gladly let him unload in me

by Anonymousreply 92August 7, 2023 9:13 PM

[quote]Melissa was always under her thumb.

I'd probably volunteer to stay under Joan's thumb for a $150 million.

by Anonymousreply 93August 7, 2023 9:15 PM

It's hard to be in a marriage when there's a third person in the marriage.

by Anonymousreply 94August 7, 2023 10:39 PM

There were three of us in the marriage, so it was a bit crowded.

by Anonymousreply 95August 7, 2023 10:48 PM

I always thought he would be a looker....

by Anonymousreply 96August 7, 2023 11:08 PM

Does he have a good relationship with his father?

by Anonymousreply 98August 7, 2023 11:13 PM

[quote]Does he have a good relationship with his father?

Methinks the father was paid A LOT of money to just disappear. That's what it looks like.

by Anonymousreply 99August 7, 2023 11:26 PM

I think I recall Joan once joking that she was praying that Cooper would end up gay so he could help her decorate her house. She might have been disappointed had she lived to see it wasn’t meant to be so.

by Anonymousreply 100August 7, 2023 11:58 PM

So Dad was only a sperm donor ... sad. A guy needs his Dad in his life.

by Anonymousreply 101August 8, 2023 12:20 AM

Melissa gets a lot of shit for allegedly riding Joan's coattails, but I think the reality is that Joan wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Joan's career was run as a family business, and Melissa ultimately "went to work". I have always thought Melissa seemed pretty down-to-earth—no diva behavior, no cuntery—just a relatively normal person with a mom who had a massive personality. Melissa's son seems to be the same—pretty low-key, no typical celebrity kid bullshit. Despite having the money, none of them (Joan included) ever came across as to me as dime-a-dozen pretentious Hollywood twats. I liked them for that.

by Anonymousreply 103August 8, 2023 2:54 AM

Apart from the fact they look like total zombies…especially next to him.

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by Anonymousreply 104August 8, 2023 3:45 AM

It seems like Joan was the best grandma ever.

by Anonymousreply 105August 8, 2023 3:59 AM

Why'd they sell her big NYC apartment - didn't Cooper want it?

by Anonymousreply 106August 8, 2023 4:01 AM

[quote]Why'd they sell her big NYC apartment - didn't Cooper want it?

It's haunted.

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by Anonymousreply 109August 8, 2023 5:54 AM

[quote]Why'd they sell her big NYC apartment - didn't Cooper want it?

Seriously, why would he want to live in NY, since his whole life has been in Cali?

by Anonymousreply 110August 9, 2023 12:02 PM

Joanne started getting plastic surgery the minute she realized how much Melissa resembled her.

by Anonymousreply 111August 9, 2023 1:05 PM

Stern loved him some Joan.

by Anonymousreply 113August 9, 2023 1:22 PM

She stopped looking like Joan Rivers, especially at the end.

Go back and look at her talk show on YT.

She was a plastic surgery freak!

by Anonymousreply 114August 9, 2023 1:26 PM

Hopefully he’s doesn’t turn into pokah playa!

by Anonymousreply 115August 9, 2023 3:09 PM

[quote]Joan Rivers’s grandson Cooper... Is a total hottie.


OP, you're desperate.

by Anonymousreply 116August 9, 2023 3:27 PM

Hey, I might possibly fuck him myself! Depends on the vibe, y'know? Anything is possible!

by Anonymousreply 117August 9, 2023 3:42 PM

Coopeh would neveh play pokah!

by Anonymousreply 118August 9, 2023 5:27 PM

Cooper looking fine as hell with his mom yesterday.

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by Anonymousreply 119November 24, 2023 8:39 PM

He's rich as hell and handsome. If I was a girl at his college, I'd rim his ass for a chance at a ring. Might even skip the birth control.

by Anonymousreply 120November 24, 2023 8:45 PM

Where does he go to college? I remember reading it and thinking it was an odd choice for a kid of his means and upbringing. Was it the University of Delaware?

by Anonymousreply 121November 24, 2023 8:50 PM

How is that odd r121. He's another rich, lax bro jock, that clearly is no genius. He ended up at a school that would allow him to play. I'm sure he's getting loads of Midwest pussy because people know he's loaded.

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by Anonymousreply 122November 24, 2023 8:55 PM

R31, his parents’ genes mixed well. He is better looking than his father and definitely better looking than Melissa or Joan.

by Anonymousreply 123November 24, 2023 9:26 PM

If only Caroline Kennedy could have chosen a hotter husband so Jack didn't end up so unfortunate looking.

by Anonymousreply 124November 24, 2023 9:30 PM

^ Attractive parents don't necessarily equal attractive offspring and vice versa as demonstrated by the subject of this very thread.

by Anonymousreply 125November 24, 2023 10:10 PM

Not bad at all, but Melissa's gone full Joan polyurethane and formaldehyde.

by Anonymousreply 126November 24, 2023 10:12 PM

He looks like Chef Ben from Below Deck.

by Anonymousreply 128November 24, 2023 10:19 PM

Melissa inherited her mother's passion for plastic surgery.

by Anonymousreply 129November 24, 2023 10:49 PM

That nose, though.

Looks like Sam Eagle from The Muppet Show.

by Anonymousreply 130November 24, 2023 11:32 PM

LA 5.5 - maybe 6 when cleaned up.

by Anonymousreply 131November 25, 2023 12:01 AM

I'll bet you anything that R131 is an LA zero.

by Anonymousreply 132November 25, 2023 12:51 AM

R132 Feel free to eat shit.

by Anonymousreply 133November 25, 2023 5:59 AM

[quote]Aw I miss Joan.

Joan was born in 1933. If she were still alive, she'd be 90 years old. I shudder to think what her face would have looked like at 90. She was scary looking when she died nine years ago.

by Anonymousreply 134November 25, 2023 10:41 AM

WHET the doctor, that woman ENT who was known as the doctor to the stars. Does she still practice?

by Anonymousreply 136November 26, 2023 6:14 AM

[quote]I'll bet you anything that [R131] is an LA zero.

LA zero is a NY eight.

by Anonymousreply 137November 26, 2023 2:11 PM
