Welcome Home (Sanitarium) Lyrics Meaning


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Nov 10th 2007 !⃝

This song is about a recipricol cycle. a Sanitarium is a place of recooperation, the person who is the subject of this song is recovering from a disease or mental illness (judging from being in a sanitarium).

however it is a misinformed opinion that mental illnesses cannot be cured, and because he was once sick, he cannot recover and people refuse to believe that he is cured - "Just labeled mentally deranged"

"No locked doors, no windows barred" and "They keep me locked up in this cage" are contradictory statements, but make sense if they are put in the context of the later revelations in this statement - "Build my fear of what's out there
Cannot breathe the open air
Whisper things into my brain
Assuring me that I'm insane"
This passage suggests to me that this person is cured, but people believe that he is sick, and are insisting to him that he is sick; so he believes that he is sick too.

This relates to "No locked doors, no windows barred" and "They keep me locked up in this cage" in the way that he has built a dependence on the institution, he does not believe that he can cope with the outside world because he is being forced to believe that he is sick.

The later parts of the song demonstrate the strength of the human mind, dispite his metaphorical prison and he belief that he cannot survive outside, he still wants to escape. The efforts to escape end up turning against him.
The speed of the song picks up, suggesting a frenzied attempt, but the attempt manifests itself in a violent way:
"kill is such a friendly word
seems the only way
for reaching out again"
The violence of the escape would confirm the belief that he is crazy, and hence strengthen the institutions' efforts to assure him that he is insane.
