Whatever Happened To Barney's Actor?

When the Twin Towers came down on September 11, 2001, everything just ... stopped. Everyone has their own tale of who they were with, where they were, and how they first saw the tragic catastrophe that defined an era. In an exclusive interview with Grunge, David Joyner told his own story.

According to Joyner, he was attending an event in Boston in the days before 9/11. After experiencing delays on his flight into Logan Airport, the airline offered him vouchers on his return trip, which gave him some freedom to decide which flight he could take back to Los Angeles. He inquired about changing his flight from Monday, September 10, to Tuesday, September 11, and was told that they had open seating on United Airlines Flight 175. Joyner decided to think about it. In the end, he stuck with his original flight schedule, telling Grunge, "Later that evening, I don't know if it was a voice speaking to me or what, but I decided not to change the flight."

Then, on September 11, Joyner had the shock of a lifetime. "I got a page the next morning from the young lady who was in charge of the special events, and I call her, and she's like, 'Turn on your television.' Then, soon as I turn on my television, I see that second plane going into the Trade Center. And that was Flight 175."
